Monday, July 25, 2011

Autopsy (2008)

Robert Patrick as the worst doctor in history.
What can I say about Autopsy? I went into it open minded and not expecting anything, I now see that my expectations were too generous. My dog has excreted feces more noteworthy than this pile of garbage. I spent an hour and a half of my life watching this, that is time I will never get back.

The basic plot of Autopsy is, a group of friends crash their car, they go to a creepy hospital, one by one they start to disappear. Robert Patrick who some of you might know from Terminator 2 (he's the liquid metal guy) is the doctor of this hospital, he kills people and harvests their body parts to save his wife. That's the plot, I'm not going to spend anymore time on that because frankly, I don't have the patience.

Everything about this movie was horrible, the acting, the gore, the lack of nudity (all b-grade horrors have nudity), the script, the beginning, the middle, the end. I honestly don't see where the 4 million dollars they spent making this film went. If they had of filmed grass grow it would have been a better movie.

The bottom line is, steer clear of this steaming pile, you will regret it forever if you watch it. Don't say I didn't warn you.


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