Friday, July 29, 2011

August Burns Red - Leveler (2011)

August Burns Red have yet again created musical beauty, their latest offering Leveler is an absolute masterpiece. 2009's Constellations was considered their best album so far, however ABR have done what many thought impossible, Leveler improves on everything Constellations offered. Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, August Burns Red are taking over the world.

Cover Art for Leveler
For those who have followed ABR for the past decade, their crazy time signature metalcore has been seasoned with some improvements and unexpected additions. ABR are no doubt at the top of their game, Jake Luhrs' screams and growls are amazing, while his lyrics are deep and extremely emotional. Matt Greiner goes above and beyond to hold everything together while still being creative, he also offers some of the most complex drumming I have ever heard. Greiner's effort behind the kit lets JB Brubaker and Brent Rambler loose like a gang of thugs on a defenseless victim, that victim is you.

Starting Leveler off with a bang is "Empire", ABR stick to their guns and offer a crushing opener that prepares you for what is to come. The first single "Internal Cannon" goes directly for the throat and doesn't let up with a classic ABR breakdown, the middle of the song transitions into a "heavy" spanish salsa, and towards the end, JB pumps out a salsa-esque guitar solo. "Poor Millionaire" is the 9th song on Leveler and is my favorite, the entire song is a non-stop attack on the senses, a combined effort that leaves you stunned with powerful riffs and brutal breakdowns.

The bottom line is, if you're a fan of heavy music with something extra, Leveler is for you. Whether you are a dedicated fan, or only just getting into them, you will not be disappointed in this epic masterpiece from a band who don't look like stopping anytime soon.

Track Listing:

01. Empire - 9/10
02. Internal Cannon - 10/10
03. Divisions - 9.5/10
04. Cutting the Ties - 8/10
05. Pangaea - 9/10
06. Carpe Diem - 9.5/10
07. 40 Nights - 8.5/10
08. Salt and Light - 8.5/10
09. Poor Millionaire - 10/10
10. 1/16/2011 - 8/10
11. Boys of Fall - 9/10
12. Leveler - 10/10

Monday, July 25, 2011

Autopsy (2008)

Robert Patrick as the worst doctor in history.
What can I say about Autopsy? I went into it open minded and not expecting anything, I now see that my expectations were too generous. My dog has excreted feces more noteworthy than this pile of garbage. I spent an hour and a half of my life watching this, that is time I will never get back.

The basic plot of Autopsy is, a group of friends crash their car, they go to a creepy hospital, one by one they start to disappear. Robert Patrick who some of you might know from Terminator 2 (he's the liquid metal guy) is the doctor of this hospital, he kills people and harvests their body parts to save his wife. That's the plot, I'm not going to spend anymore time on that because frankly, I don't have the patience.

Everything about this movie was horrible, the acting, the gore, the lack of nudity (all b-grade horrors have nudity), the script, the beginning, the middle, the end. I honestly don't see where the 4 million dollars they spent making this film went. If they had of filmed grass grow it would have been a better movie.

The bottom line is, steer clear of this steaming pile, you will regret it forever if you watch it. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Hereafter (2010)

Clint Eastwood and Matt Damon? Match made in heaven. Any movie made by Clint Eastwood is absolute gold, while Matt Damon can't seem to put a foot wrong these days. Hereafter is pure brilliance, and so much credit is due for everyone involved in it.

Hereafter is centered around 3 people who encounter death in different ways. George Lonegan (Damon) is a hardworking American who has a connection to the afterlife. When a french journalist, Marie 
(Cécile De France), has a near death experience, her outlook on life is changed forever. And
Matt Damon and Frankie/George McLaren
Marcus (Frankie and George McLaren), a young boy from London, is shaken to the core when the person closest to him passes away. Each on a quest to find answer, quests that will intersect their lives and change them forever.

The acting is superb, not only from Matt Damon, but also from Cécile De France and the young McLaren brothers. While nothing needs to be said about Clint Eastwood's brilliance behind the camera, 
he has produced yet another masterpiece that will take its place in my DVD collection.

The movie travels along at a slow pace to give the viewer enough time to take everything in, the visual imagery  is awesome and really captivates the viewers. The movie also boasts one of the best computer generated Tsunami's I have ever seen, it look extremely real, believable and genuinely scary.

If you enjoy good movies, this one is for you, regardless of your taste in film. Missing this one would almost be a cardinal sin, so next time you head to the video store, be sure to pick this one up. 
