Thursday, April 28, 2011

Monsters (2010)

I have just finished watching Monsters and can honestly say it is one of the most enjoyable and intriguing movies I have watched in the past few months. This movie shows how an extra terrestrial concept can be executed perfectly on a small budget ($15,000) without needing extravagant special effects.

Whitney Able in a scene from Monsters
The premiss behind Monsters is that aliens have inhabited half of Mexico for the past six years, while the US and Mexican military try to keep the aliens at bay. The story follows Andrew Kaulder (Scoot McNairy) who is a photographer trying to get a picture of an alien in order to elevate his career, he is however roped into bringing Sam Wynden (Whitney Able) who is his boss's daughter home from Mexico.

The journey of Andrew and Sam almost becomes a travel documentary, we as viewers become companions who share this experience with them rather than an audience. The aliens play a big part in this feeling , although may not see them, they are always there, keeping us on edge and full of enjoyment.
Too many science fiction/extra terrestrial films have the tendency to overuse certain elements. Due to the little amount of alien we see, the film becomes about the pair and their journey, rather than a fight against aliens.

The film as a whole was wonderful, the acting was superb, the camera angles and use of real light was also a refreshing change. The film gave me the feeling that it was also showing how border crossing is sometimes the only option, in real life and in the film. The use of a problem in the world being portrayed in a completely different way reminded me very much of District 9 and the provoking nature of that film.

An outstanding effort, check it out if your up for a movie with something more.


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