Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paul (2011)

Paul (Seth Rogen) and Simon Pegg
I went to see this a couple of days after it was released and had quite high hopes for the film after seeing Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Needless to say, my expectations were passed with flying colours.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost reunite for the third time to bring us another bromantic comedy adventure. However, what this one lacks in blood and guts (Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz) it makes up for with a hilarious stoner alien named Paul (Seth Rogen).

Clive and Graeme (Pegg & Frost) are two British comic book fans who venture to Comic Con for their own road trip across the US. They visit all the famous science fiction related places, from The Black Mailbox to the where Kirk and the lizard fight from Star Trek. Along the journey they encounter Paul, a foul mouthed alien who enjoys smoking and drinking. As you can imagine the trio wind up in all kinds of mess.

The humor in this film will keep you laughing until it ends and you will find yourself quoting it for weeks to come. The bottom line, Paul is a non stop comedy roller coaster that will leave you with a huge smile when the credits begin to roll.


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